Its a long time since we added to this blog, but the list of things to write about is just piling up on our desks.
This one has been hanging around for quite a while. The people over at Smashing magazine have been doing some really good stuff recently, writing about personality, tone of voice and many of the other experiential aspects of interaction design. Since interactions are key to services, and particularly the user experience, I am mentioning them here too.
This post (link) by Robert Hoekman Jr is a personal and useful list of thirteen aspects of user experience. In fact, they could almost be described as thirteen tenets of the service design experience, since he focuses upon such aspects as the orchestration of touch-points (tenet 1), User Experience as being strategic (tenet 2), and the importance of integrating multiple disciplines and working together on a journey of exploration using trial and error.
I particularly like this one, since I strongly believe that to stand out in todays market really requires bravery. However, that bravery needs to show, and be clearly articulated, and this is something that design is good at.
Great products and services require bravery. Design puts a shape to your courage.
So, if you want something to put up on your wall, and a target for your project team, you can’t go far wrong with these.