Spotify managed to tempt me to click on an advert for changing my mobile phone subscription which took me to a nicely simple way to tailor a subscription (link). It uses sliders to allow me to choose precisely the combination I want for phone minutes, SMS, MMS and Internet use. I have always liked sliders […]
Tag Archive 'User experience'
I recently discovered the fun of bump, an iPhone app to transfer businesscards from one phone to another. Like NFC, which Timo has researched in the Touch project (link), this solution is based upon simple, yet effective user interface basics. The user is in control, a physical action is required by both to complete the […]
Daniel Kahneman on experiences
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I am writing a chapter about design for experiences for the AT-ONE handbook at the moment and wanted to check some references. Into my inbox (from Ingrid, doing a really exciting project about health and well-being) came a rave review of this TED presentation by Daniel Kahneman. It’s  about the difference between experiences as experienced […]
Hello Health
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John Thackara (link) introduced me recently to Hello Health (link), a thoroughly modern primary  health service in New York. They have done something that seems obvious and simple – made the doctor personal again – through using the technology many of us have (Iphones, video-phones, email etc).  There is something compelling about this, even though […]
We have just started a series of workshops together with actress Birgit Nordby to explore different ways to specify a service experience and define a brand personality. The background for this work is that service experiences are difficult to describe and specify.There are several reasons for this: we don’t have a terminology to describe experiences […]
Over at clickz, (link) Jack Aaronsen claims that in these downturn times its even more important to focus upon the quality and consistency of the customer experience, particularly customer service. The article focuses particularly upon the importance of touch-point co-ordination for customer service, noting that customers expect to be able to use whichever touch-point they […]
Interesting blog post from Brian Thomson Collins (link)Â relating the power of design to the increasingly weak power of advertising messages. What makes it relevant and interesting for the service design community is that he repeatedly uses the term experience, and in effect, it is the experience that he argues trumps advertising. Unfortunately he uses the […]
User-insight labs
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Over at good experience (link) Mark Hurst has an interesting twist on usability testing, calling it listening labs. His point is that usability testing is often too goal directed and tests what the company wants to test, often excluding the opportunity for the customer to comment what they want to say. This fits in with […]
Razorfish have just released their consumer experience report for 2008 and it makes interesting reading. (Link) The first thing that hits you is the focus upon the importance of social networking. I read this report just after reading a BBC news article “Bosses should embrace Facebook”, (link) in which Demos report on how companies are […]
Peer Insight visit Oslo
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At the recent business days for the Norwegian Design Council (link), Tim Ogilvie from Peer Insight (link) described how design is moving up the value chain in the services era (link to presentation). The presentation started off by commenting that we dont really need more things, but that we are looking for experiences and novelty […]