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Tag Archive 'Touch-point'

We continue to update the touch-point card set, and a new set is now available (Cards-PRINT). This is a major update of the cards in two ways. Firstly, we have added emotion cards to the touch-points. This helps you when evaluating existing services or designing new ones, since you can take into account the emotional […]

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Tor Andreassen from the Centre for Service Innovation (link) recently sent me a link to the New York Times article, reporting some work from England about how self-service checkouts encourage or even result in stealing. This is work from the UK, that has also been reported during the summer in the British press, which I find […]

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I am super enthusiastic about two recent interactive touch-points, that I think show the power of giving control to the customer. The first of these is the Honda R advertising campaign (link), in which the Honda Civic is presented in two ways at the same time. One, as a supportive family car, and the other […]

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I have always considered the health information on packaging as being quite abstract. Reading about the calorific content of my morning musli, and the amount of energy in carbohydrate form doesn’t really tell me that much. I have become better at understanding the data, and use it every now and again when choosing different products, […]

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One of the things often discussed in Service Design is how to engage customers during queue periods. Disney has a clear strategy to use queues to build expectation after realising that queues are unavoidable. I found this (link) over at Colossal, and it adds just that nice bit of Chrismas cheer in this silly season […]

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At gov.uk, you can find 10 simple yet effective design principles. These look like a great summary and summarise the most important things to think about when thinking digital services. There are a lot of nice details in the choice of guidelines, and also in their wording (be consistent, not uniform for example). I particularly […]

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I read this interesting blog post (link) on Brand Republic today and it reminded me of a couple of books that I read a long time back. Its always good to be reminded of some good classics. The first was “Good to Great”, (link) which summarised the importance of the infusion of a reason for […]

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I recently mentioned the great work being presented over at Smashing magazine regarding Service Personality. To add to this, is this really good piece about tone of voice. This obviously fits together with the personality, and in many ways is part of the embodiment of the personality in different touch-points. Here, an example from Innocent […]

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I have been researching Service Personality for several years, so its great to see Smashing magazine presenting great examples of digital touch-point personalities (link). Heres an example from a small comment that comes up when typing in a location. Ahh Prague says so much more than just Prague.   There are loads of good examples […]

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Thanks to Adrian at AHO for this great pinterest link to lots of journey mapping examples (link).      

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