Peter Morville, him of the polar bear book on Information Architecture (link), and later Ambient Findability (link) has just written and interesting and informed piece about Ubiquitous Service Design (link). I’m always amazed about how compact and well linked his posts are, and this one is no exception. He introduces  a great many terms, but […]
Tag Archive 'Brand'
Spotify managed to tempt me to click on an advert for changing my mobile phone subscription which took me to a nicely simple way to tailor a subscription (link). It uses sliders to allow me to choose precisely the combination I want for phone minutes, SMS, MMS and Internet use. I have always liked sliders […]
This simple video (simple in terms of technology, not message) gets across two sides of the view about books in paper or electronic form. It works very nicely by adding a twist in the middle which makes you rethink all of the arguments you have followed along the way. This gives you enough of an […]
Nike is about to launch a city guide app for the iPhone. They are not the only ones that are competing to provide city guides, so that is not the main news item. There are several reasons why I think this is interesting news. Nike True City from NikeSportswear on Vimeo. Firstly, the collaboration between […]
After a long Summer pause, and lots of work starting up the new Service-Design course we are running together with the Oslo Business School this fall, I thought I just had to point you to this news item at the BBC (link). Whole Foods, is a company that has 270 stores in North America and the […]
We have just started a series of workshops together with actress Birgit Nordby to explore different ways to specify a service experience and define a brand personality. The background for this work is that service experiences are difficult to describe and specify.There are several reasons for this: we don’t have a terminology to describe experiences […]
Interesting blog post from Brian Thomson Collins (link)Â relating the power of design to the increasingly weak power of advertising messages. What makes it relevant and interesting for the service design community is that he repeatedly uses the term experience, and in effect, it is the experience that he argues trumps advertising. Unfortunately he uses the […]
Following on from the previous post about CD Baby I wanted to show how Puma manages to add a bit of personality to its brand through packaging details. I use an old Puma shoe box as storage for stuff at home, and I always like to open the box to remind myself of the small […]
Daring to have a personality
Posted in Uncategorized
A recent post on Daily fix brought up the issue of brand personality recently. They focussed upon the e-mail confirmation a reader received from CD baby for some CDs that were ordered (link). There then ensued an interesting discussion about the way companies formulate texts to customers. Heres the original text from the letter: Your […]