Written by Simon Clatworthy
This page has the various downloads related to AT-ONE. All are presented here under a creative commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) copyright (link). This means you can use them free of charge, adapt them but not use them for commercial purposes. You can use them in your commercial practice, as is, if you attribute them, but you cannot sell these downloads. Downloading these files shows your consent to these rules.
- The AT-ONE idea cards and insight cards. The idea cards are a way of noting down promising ideas that are generated during workshops, and encourage a visual, and customer-oriented way to describe them. They are printable on A4 and we have included a pdf guide showing how they can be filled out. The insight cards are smaller and we use them to capture important things that might occur to participants but which might not be relevant to put on an idea card. We hand them out at regular intervals (every 2 hours or so) during workshops and get participants to fill them in. The insights can help you improve the facilitation of the remainder of a workshop (maybe change direction or focus upon something specific), or be og general use for the a project. Examples of insight cards filled in with the type of things people might write are also downloadable. ATONE idea card 04 Eng   Insight_card_002 eng
- The experience words. These are used as part of the E letter (Experience) and are a list of words we have compiled that might help you in a workshop. We have found that many participants lack a way of describing an experience, and these words help people put this into words. Experience words Eng 2 pages  Experience words Norsk
- The Touch-point cards. There is one set of these in the box, but you probably will want more. The file included the newest set of cards, together with emotion cards. Download and print on stiff card and you can have as many as you like.  Cards-PRINT
-  The Concept description template. Use this to describe a service concept as a whole, and then in its individual AT-ONE parts. Concept template
Two PhDs were developed as part of the project:
1. Service Design Leadership by Judith Gloppen (link)
2. Service Design and Service Desirability by Simon Clatworthy (link)
These were both expertly tutored by Andrew Morrison at AHO and are a part of the AHO Centre for Design Research (link)
Research publications:
If you are interested in the research publications related to AT-ONE, then the majority are available from Simons academia site (link) and Judiths AHO site (link)
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)