Ryanair recently announced a 32% jump in profits and their quiet CEO puts this down to a changed image and that they have stopped ’unnecessarily pissing people off’, according to boss O’Leary. The Guardian newspaper (link) describes this nicely, including presenting a few great quotes from the master himself, Michael O’Leary. “The underlying trend is enormously positive. […]
Category Archive for 'Uncategorized'
Think like a patient, act like a tax-payer: This was one of the more interesting take-aways from Simon Stevens’ recent speech about the new focus of the National Health Service in the UK. Although the sentence might be seen as a bit of cheap spin, I think that if most health services asked themselves if they […]
Post-Demographic consumers
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I have always been a bit sceptical to the idea of demographic segments, although I guess broadly there are age cohorts that have similar needs. However, I think if you rather look at groups with similar needs, without specifically focusing upon age, then you are more likely to develop the right services and experiences. I therefore […]
Cool brands 2014
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I think the cool brands initial is very interesting, particularly the way they decide upon the winning 20. The results for 2014 have just come out, and surprisingly (or not surprisingly depending upon how you view them these days) Apple came out on top. This is before the new phone, watch, health system, payments solution […]
I have become fascinated by the degree of self-expression that todays culture encourages. I have no positive or negative opinion of whether this is a good thing, but it seems to be something that is becoming more and more prevalent as time goes on. One of the examples I often use is how the Beats headphones […]
Thanks to Alfred Holmen (link) for this link to a great infographic over at cool infographics (link). Â It brings home the size of the service sector in the US. I scrolled down the services section and thought wow! but then realized that the total service sector also includes the public service part too. It would […]
Touch-point cards now online
Posted in Uncategorized
OK, it took long enough, but now you can download the cards from the download section, or just click here  AT_ONE_CARDS Check out the other downloads too, they might be useful also. All are available on a creative commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) copyright (link). This means you can use them free of charge, adapt […]
Body and mind
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I just saw this on the BBC site (link) describing the connection between movement and cognition. It seems like finally body and mind are being re-connected, and its about time. I think that Service Design has understood this for quite some time, in terms of how it runs workshops and uses artefacts to improve workshop […]
Experiential house advert
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Ted from AHO sent me this today (link). It’s an advert for a house that is for sale in Oslo, and yes, its very pricey. It’s in Norwegian, unfortunately, but the images speak for themselves. However, what I really like about it is the imagery they use. They have staged and created a story about […]
I have always considered the health information on packaging as being quite abstract. Reading about the calorific content of my morning musli, and the amount of energy in carbohydrate form doesn’t really tell me that much. I have become better at understanding the data, and use it every now and again when choosing different products, […]